Martial Arts Practiced by Bushido Za Zen
Bushido Zazen International offers classes in the following martial arts:
Aikido has its roots in Jujitsu and Aikijitsu. It emphasises defence techniques and the use of the opponent’s strength and momentum against them. The use of arm locks and wrist locks to control an opponent is important and overall Aikido has a smooth feel. There are a number of different styles with emphasis on different aspects of this martial art, all but one is non-competitive. The competitive style is known as Tomiki Aikido in which wooden or rubber knife techniques are used to score points.
Aikijitsu has been for many centuries a closely guarded system of martial combat technique. The original system of Aikijitsu, which still exists today, is called Daitoryu Aiki Jujutsu. The Daitoryu system is believed to have originated in the year’s 858 to 867, by the family of the Emperor of Japan at that time. A descendant of the Emperor, Shira Saburo Minamoto-no-Yoshimitsu is credited with developing the Daitoryu system in the eleventh Century.
Iaido involves controlled movements of drawing, wielding and re-sheathing a sword.
Judo is primarily a grappling sport based on throws, holds, arm locks and strangles. The competition rules are complex and ever evolving but essentially matches are won on a points based system or outright by throwing your opponent flat on their back or to hold them on the floor on their back for a certain length of time. Some clubs focus more or exclusively on Judo kata in which pre-arranged patterns of attack and defence are practiced in pairs for the purpose of perfecting judo techniques.
Jujitsu contains aspects of both Judo and Karate, so as well as throws holds strangles and locks you will learn punches and kicks and how to defend against these. You will learn to fall safely when thrown. There is a strong aspect of practical self defence in Jujitsu.
Karate is perhaps the most well known of the martial arts. It is primarily a striking art, featuring punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques.
Kendo means ‘way of the sword’ and is the Japanese form of fencing. Opponents fence with bamboo swords while wearing traditionally-styled protective clothing.
Practitioners of Kobudo learn to use weapons including the staff and dagger.